Saturday, May 21, 2005

Contest & Garden News

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I’ve now finished all 30 squares, and yesterday my entry tag from Mary Maxim arrived. Yippee! Plus I saw Dr. Nick and got my spine and shoulders adjusted—so I'm more than ready to finish this ghan and get it mailed in. Then it’s a matter of patiently waiting—something that has always eluded me.

Crook news:
How does your garden grow?
Mine is struggling along. Last year I planted 12 sweet pea plants. I let them go to seed in the hopes that this year I would have more sweet peas. This past winter has been a wet one, and one day during a lovely storm I watched as most of my seeds floated down the sidewalk and down to the drain. I held out hope that somehow some of the seeds had survived, and I was right. Apparently 3 did. Of those 3, only 2 plants have survived and so far I’ve had 2 blooms off one plant and none off the other.

In desperation, I dragged Mr. Retired to the nursery yesterday and came home with 2 geranium plants and one pot of carnations. The carnations are the smaller flower on stalks that are less than 12-inches and are the color of smoked salmon and smell like fresh cinnamon. Yumm!

My 2 houseplants are growing great guns and I’m most pleased. The one I call “Joyce” is in need of a trim, and I’ll have to screw up the courage to tackle that job, but otherwise “Joyce” and “Ethel” are doing well and seem to be happy.

From the Bookshelf:
In the wee hours this morning, I finished reading Sandstorm, a novel by James Rollins. Whoo-HOO! The book did not disappoint, and it was worth losing sleep to finish it (even if we never do find out what they did with the basket—hehehe). The action level kept building until we crashed into the finale, then a slightly calm wrap-up that left me eager for the next SIGMA book. Great read, and I loved that there was a news article yesterday that tied in with this book (I won’t say anything about it because it would give away a major plot issue).

On a scale of 1-10, I’d rate this book a 9.75.

My current read:
I’m now reading a “calm” book while I wait to climb up the list at the library for “Map of Bones” (sitting at #9 and holding—one copy for the entire county system!)

The “calm” book I chose is Mystery Mile from Margery Allingham. My copy came to me as a gift from Mr. Retired. He paid a nickel for it at a garage sale. Published in 1930, it sold for a whopping 25-cents and was part of the “Mercury Mystery” series. The pages are somewhat brittle, so I’m careful as I read—and I have to read with a light on because of the coloration (quite yellow-brown) of the pages.

Still, it’s an interesting read and will give me a Rollins break before I tackle either “Map of Bones” or the first of the “Wit’ch” series.

How patient are you?
As I said earlier, I'm not always a patient person. As I begin to fret over things, and wonder “when”, the desire to push the button and have things in my time rather than the Lord’s surfaces and I usually remember this verse:
Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him – Psalms 37:1
As a “work in progress” I don’t always listen as my brain tells my heart to wait, but sometimes I do. Perhaps someday I’ll actually learn to relax and wait before my brain has to talk to my heart.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Murphy's Law - or Are You Content?

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I’ve now finished 28 squares! Considering the pain in my hand, I’m ecstatic!

Crook news:
Murphy's law days.
I'm sure you've had them. A day when if something could go wrong, it did. When no matter what you tried, it failed. No matter where you went, or what route you took, there were a billion other people wanting to share the same spot of the road with you—at the same time. A day when you looked at the mix of clouds in the sky and thought, "If I were a cloud, today I would be one of the black and gloomy clouds." Recognize any of those scenarios? See, I was sure you'd had one of those days too. *grins*

Yesterday was one of those days for me. All day long as things went wrong and I grumbled and complained both out loud and to myself, the latter part of a verse from Hebrews kept running through my brain:
"… and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Hebrews 13:5
Was I content? No. I was not satisfied, and no matter what good took place, all I saw were the things that went wrong. Mr. Retired and I completed our errands, and as we were driving towards home, I looked up and saw that God sent a beautiful sunset where He turned the clouds to a beautiful gold color. That was when I finally realized that while I kicked and moaned and groaned and became more miserable with each passing moment, I'd missed the beauty, joy and wonder that God had set aside for me. For He had done as He promised, He had not left me; but once again I had left Him and as a result I had spent a most miserable day.

When the day was over, did any of it matter? No. The things that went wrong were nothing major—I ended the day alive and kicking with all my pieces and parts intact, my loved ones survived to see today, and here I am. I've had a chance to tell the Lord how sorry I was for my attitude, and that I'd need His strength to get past all this. Somehow, I know in my heart that He will give me the strength I need. The question remains … will I be wise enough to be content?

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Parking, Hooking and a Light

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I’ve now finished (finished to me means not only stitched, but all the ends are woven into the project) 25 squares and 5 rows on this project. I added those squares to my afghan, and so I now only need 5 squares/1 row and then I can do the length wise joining and the edging. I should have this done by the end of the month or before. :)

Crook news:
How do you park?
Yesterday we went out to lunch. I noticed a bright orange post-it note stuck to the outside of the driver’s window on the car in the space to my right. I'm curious (or is that nosey? hehehe) enough, I read it. I laughed—out loud.
You should learn how to park between the lines. A jeep isn't that big.
Oh how often I've wanted to leave a similar note, but I lack the courage; besides my mother's voice always echoes in brain, "Be nice." As I caught up with Mr. Retired at the door to the restaurant, he asked what the note said. I told him, and he (who doesn't have my mother's voice echoing in his brain) promptly said he wanted to get that printed on cards and sealed in plastic – maybe a thousand or so – and carry them with him.

So if you can't park your vehicle, and someday you come out and find a note on your window, perhaps Mr. Retired stopped by. *wink*

From my reading in Psalms this morning:

The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?– Psalms 27:1

When the world around me is filled with woes, frustrations and sorrows, and the way is dark, I need only look to the Lord for strength, comfort, and security—for He will light my way.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Afghan update

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
Last night I finished the 20th square, wove in all the ends on the last 5 and joined 2 more rows to the contest ghan. I'm now 2/3 finished!

Crook news:
Shaking my head
I don't often comment on politics, at least not here, but I'm shaking my head this morning over an action taken by the California Assembly. (Sometimes I think the first 3 letters of their name are so very appropriate!)

This past January the Anaheim Angels changed the name of their baseball team to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Reason? Marketing that translates to more money. (Now that song from Cabaret is running through my brain! … “Money makes the world go around …”)

Personally, I thought the name change was a silly thing to do. The team is in Anaheim. Be proud of it. Besides, is it really that big of a deal? Disneyland is in Anaheim and they aren't out to change their name to LaLa Disneyland in Anaheim. There is also the Anaheim Ducks. Do they now become the LA Ducks of Anaheim? If you do a search on Google for “Anaheim”, the 5th hit is for the Anaheim Angels. They should have left well enough alone. But they didn’t, and apparently their actions are so important they Calif. Assembly has to step in and pass a law. Yes, we have a law pending that will “require a team named for a city in which it doesn't play most of its games to disclose that fact on all tickets, advertisements and promotional materials.” The reason? The consumer is being deceived.

Sure they are, but is this the best the great California Assembly can come up with? This is how they earn their pay? This state is facing a $4 billion budget deficit and potential water and electricity shortages, yet the Assembly is worried about what is on a sports ticket?

I have to agree with Assemblyman Ray Haynes, R-Murrieta, who said, "This is an absolutely foolish bill." Here! Here! Assemblyman Haynes, stick by your guns. Get the Senate to join you, and then please get back to the business of dealing with the mess the State of California is in—before it’s too late.

From my reading in Psalms this morning:

I will sing unto the LORD, because he hath dealt bountifully with me. – Psalms 13:6

The world may idle away it’s time, the legislature may idle away it’s duties, but the Lord has been gracious to me, and I will sing His praises my life through.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Being swift

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I now have 19 squares completed, with some ends to weave in, and then I’ll add 2 more rows to my contest ghan. :)

Crook news:
Abby update:
Abby Darlin’s surgery went well, her incision healed beautifully, and today the vet took the stitches out. She’s one happier cat. The sad news is that she has also gone deaf. :( We've noticed a few signs on and off over the past few months, but apparently this infection finished the job and she can't hear. She howls a lot, and we have to be careful not to startle her when we come up on her, but otherwise she's okay. We'll give her loads of TLC and help her deal with this.

We now have a flea problem though. *growl * So “Advantage” to the rescue. Both cats are now restless and driving Mr. Retired and I crazy. Short trip, I know.

This weekend we dug in and emptied out a bunch of junk from the garage. Filled up 2 garbage cans, plus several boxes and bags of stuff for Goodwill.

Because we emptied things out, I splurged and purchased 2 mugs for our new dishes. The new kitchen will be warm and cozy, and there won’t be a speck of blue or red on the dishes (at least not if I can help it!) We’ve chosen Fiesta Ware from Homer Laughlin and have agreed on Sunflower and Tangerine. I’d love the green, but Mr. Retired refuses to eat or drink from green dishes … so we’ll stick with the yellow and orange.

Further in my Bible study with my friend, I was reading James from the beginning this morning and this verse struck me right between the eyes.

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: – James 1:19

So often I get upset over silly things and let my temper flare. Worse, I’ll blurt out things that I shouldn’t. What good does it do to yell at some goofy driver? They can’t hear me, thankfully, and it only ruins my blood pressure. I guess this is something I need to work on, letting God have control of my temper.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Author! Author!

Today I did something I’ve only done once before in my entire life. Today I had someone “famous” autograph something for me. *big grins*

The first autograph was one of those rare moments of “fate”. Today’s autograph was totally different—it was planned.

A few weeks ago, I heard that James Rollins was possibly going to hold a book signing at the local Waldenbooks, and I was eager to find out for sure. I called the store and they suggested I email Jim and confirmed with him, as he would know before the staff did. All I could think was, “Yeah, right!” What author/actor/famous person do you know that answers emails from lowly fans? I don’t know any, but I figured it was worth a shot.

Much to my surprise, Jim responded almost immediately and said he was working on a date and would let me know when it was set. Six short days later the promised email from Jim arrived letting me know that he would be at Waldenbooks today, May 13. He said he hoped I would be able to make it. Un-huh. Sure. I marked my calendar anyhow.

Then I had to make a decision—which book to take with me. I have most of his books, but I knew it would have to be either Ice Hunt or Sandstorm.

Ice Hunt was the first of Jim’s book that I read. I bought it because I liked the cover. Seriously! I had a gift certificate to spend, and was looking for some new reading material—something different than I normally read. The cover intrigued me, so I bought the book. The book is fantastic! I started it in the week hours and finished it in the wee hours 2 days later. I found myself reading while my husband watched TV, and yet I never heard the TV. I read the book while I waited for my husband to put his shoes on, while I stood in the kitchen cooking (actually I burned a few things) dinner, in the garage as I waited on laundry, and in bed at night waiting for my eyes to close. I carried this book all over the house, not willing to actually put it down. The pace of the story left me breathless at times. The characters were well developed, as was the plot; and 510 pages later a small part of me cheered at the very end of the book—even though as I read it I gasped in total stunned shock!

Ice Hunt showed me that you can sometimes judge a book by it’s cover. :D It also hooked me on this author, and I set out to read all his books and be up to date before the release of Sandstorm and Map of Bones. I almost made it. Anyhow, Ice Hunt was my first choice simply because it’s the book that caused me to fall in love with Jim Rollins as a writer.

The other book I considered taking was Sandstorm. I’m presently halfway through the book and all I can say is WOW! It’s even better than Ice Hunt. Plus it has that spiffy lenticular holographic cover!

Today I had to decide. My choice? Take them both and hope for the best. :D I wasn’t disappointed.

Jim Rollins is a very gracious and kind man. He has a grand handshake (something I wasn’t prepared for as most men don’t really shake a woman’s hand out of fear of “hurting” us), but Jim’s handshake was firm and sincere. He looks you in the eyes and smiles. He is interested in you and what you might have to say. He has a delightful laugh as well.

I introduced myself and said I’d emailed him about the book signing, and he said he remembered and was wondering if I was going to come. (I’m sure I blushed.) Jim was most gracious and signed both of my books. He even listened as I babbled away and told the above story of Ice Hunt. I think I heard him laugh when I mentioned the burned dinner.

As he was signing my second book, an airman came over and picked up Map of Bones. He said he’d just read the Da Vinci Code, and asked if Map of Bones was good. Before the store employee (manager?) could say word one I blurted out, “Yes, it’s a great book, and I’ve only read 2 chapters. It’s way better than the Da Vinci Code, and Jim is a far better author than Browne. No comparison. You should buy the book.” At this point, I think my husband was giggling at me. Yes, I admit it, I was hyped and I felt like a goofy schoolgirl on her first date.

Jim finished signing my books, gave them back, shook my hand (and I was prepared this time and hopefully did my pop proud when I returned the handshake in kind) and thanked me for coming and wished me well. I bubbled out a thank you and off we went down the mall. I don’t know if the airman bought the book, but if he didn’t—he missed out on not only a great book, but the chance to meet one of the nicest and best authors around.

If I ever have a chance to find Jim again, hopefully I won’t babble and I’ll be able to ask him the questions I was going to ask today.

If you ever have a chance to go to one of his books signings, do so! You won’t be sorry.

Draw nigh

It’s time for a long overdue update around this place. If you’re a fan and have been waiting for my words of wisdom (rolling my eyes), my apologies.

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I’ve been busy. Since I last wrote, I was able to get my latest small square design to work beyond what I expected and have filed papers with Mary Maxim to enter it into their latest afghan contest. I know I’ll be competing against some of the best designers, but the thrill is as much in the competition as it is in winning. I want to take one moment here to wish my friend, Rich W., the very best. If anyone beats me, I hope it’s you, Rich!!!!!!

This particular design was inspired by … oh wait, I can’t tell you that … yet. *giggles* I can say that my thanks go out to 3 fellas I know at a once visited board. They helped me find the pictures I needed to use as I worked. To see where I'm at in completing my afghan, see the update box to the right.

The Coffee Design
I’ve completed all but one square for my design in the rich coffee yarn. I am eager to complete the project, but need to finish my contest entry first.

The Unfinished Design
The square that wouldn’t work still doesn’t—but I honestly haven’t spent any time trying to fix it.

Crook news:
So much has happened in the past month, I don’t know where to begin or what to share.

My online life has taken a major turn. I’ve left a board that I was a member of from its founding. It was a difficult decision, but one that has been coming for a while. When you are known to people both online and in real life, and yet they openly state that they have no faith in you—then it’s time to cut the ties and move forward. There is something wonderful about letting go of things and people that only cause stress. Life becomes a much happier time.

Then there was the fire. Just a small one, but if we hadn’t been here we wouldn’t have a house! Fortunately we were sitting just a few feet away when the fan in the hallway burst into flames. No damage, and there was a breeze, so the odor dissipated quickly. Oddly, the smoke alarm didn’t go off. The batteries are fresh. Go figure. Made me feel so secure.

Mr. Retired smothered the flames and took the fan out. We’ve now replaced the fan and the batteries.

We're rockin' and rollin' in Northern California!
I would be remiss if I didn’t share here about the earthquake back on May 8th.

The first one was near us. Info from the USGS site:
1:43:55 AM: Magnitude was 4.1. Epicenter was 11 miles west of the center town (so approx. 8 miles from us). Depth was 6 miles.

This quake woke us up out of a sound sleep. We felt the bedroom shaking as though a herd of elephants was running through. The windows were rattling as though someone was banging on them. When I finally got past the total panic state, I turned on the light on my nightstand and the picture on the opposite wall from the bed was askew! EEK! Abby Darlin' was sitting on the window ledge and was in a total panic with her fur fluffed. It was hard to go back to sleep—but we did. hehehe

Had a micro earthquake (aftershock?) at 7:47AM, (mag. 2.2, depth was 7.1 below ground, 10 miles from town). Didn't feel this one.

Apparently there was a quake in this area the morning of May 4th as well. It was deeper, and a few more miles away. Never noticed that one either.

Same basic area had another, smaller quake around 3:30 this afternoon.

I can't wait to move out of this area and reach the coastal area of Oregon where we will only have to worry about Tsunami's and North Korean missiles.

I’ve been reading the Book of James. A friend and I are doing a short study of it together. I was particularly struck anew by this verse:

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. – James 4:8

Oftentimes I fail to stay close to God, and yet I want Him to always be there for me. I’m making a commitment in my heart to stay closer to Him, I hope you’ll do the same.

Have a safe and happy weekend.