Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Forward, HO!

Forward step #1
Today the Vets of WWII came by for a pickup. We helped the guy load the truck and he took everything. EVERYTHING! So there local non-profit.

Forward step #2
I finished packing all the CD's—for the second time. LOL! If I find any more they may have to stay behind. Hehehe

Forward step #3
Our rental agreement arrived and we promptly signed it and sent it off with our deposit monies. Whoopee!

Forward step #4
With a copy of the rental agreement, our ID's and the PO Box rental form in hand, we went to our local PO and had them verify who we were and that we had a rental agreement for a house in our new town.

Then we had a wonderful chat with the 2 gals working the counter and the other customer (it was okay because no one was standing in line.) The gals couldn't believe we were moving—said they would miss us. The customer asked where in Oregon? Turns out he and his family just moved about 50 miles south of us! He said we will love it! The 2 postal gals both sighed and asked if they could come live with us. Hehehe

We finally had to leave, and they both said to be sure to come back and say good-bye. They were happy for us, but it was touching to see Patricia shed a tear.

Forward step #5
Posted a note on freecycle offering some computer items and other computer related do-daa's. Ted came by just a bit ago and took 5 boxes of keyboards, motherboards, game board, cords, plugs, and plenty of do-daa's. He even took Mr. Retired's telescope to give to someone.

Forward step #6
Tried to call our new PO, but they have that hideous “don't bother us” 800 number that puts you in voice-mail he77. Gads I hate that. So I called our realtor and her office bud was obliging and found the real number for me. Called and talked to Roger, got the info on what to send for a PO Box and tomorrow that will be on it's way. So by the end of Sept., we will know what our mailing address will be.

Not-so forward step #7—or a slice of life?
In the process of boxing the computer do-daa, I punctured the tip of one finger on something. Bled like crazy. Got it cleaned and bandaged. A few minutes later, I found a nice slice on the back of my right hand. Cleaned and bandaged that. Much more and I'll look like a pin cushion for a new doctor or something. LOL!

Forward step #8
Tomorrow the antique dealer comes, so today I spent time cleaning all the pieces with OrangeGlo. The house smells wonderful! I have researched and know what things are worth, so if he's close—it's all his. :D

Forward step #9
Monday the mover comes to give us an estimate. If the contract is what we think it will be, we'll sign on the dotted line and set a firm date. We are hoping for 10/13 or 14 at the latest.

Forward step #10
Philippians 2:4: “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”
As I read this verse this morning, and then the accompaning devotional, I found myself thinking of my family and how they've recently hurt me. I honestly don't believe they meant to be hurtful—and most likely would be surprised to find that their actions (or lack thereof) have been a source of emotional pain. So how do I handle this?

I can't force them to do what I want, so I have to learn to love them as they are and move forward. So I'm taking that forward step #10 and doing just that.

I hope today found you moving forward.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...