Friday, May 20, 2005

Murphy's Law - or Are You Content?

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I’ve now finished 28 squares! Considering the pain in my hand, I’m ecstatic!

Crook news:
Murphy's law days.
I'm sure you've had them. A day when if something could go wrong, it did. When no matter what you tried, it failed. No matter where you went, or what route you took, there were a billion other people wanting to share the same spot of the road with you—at the same time. A day when you looked at the mix of clouds in the sky and thought, "If I were a cloud, today I would be one of the black and gloomy clouds." Recognize any of those scenarios? See, I was sure you'd had one of those days too. *grins*

Yesterday was one of those days for me. All day long as things went wrong and I grumbled and complained both out loud and to myself, the latter part of a verse from Hebrews kept running through my brain:
"… and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee." - Hebrews 13:5
Was I content? No. I was not satisfied, and no matter what good took place, all I saw were the things that went wrong. Mr. Retired and I completed our errands, and as we were driving towards home, I looked up and saw that God sent a beautiful sunset where He turned the clouds to a beautiful gold color. That was when I finally realized that while I kicked and moaned and groaned and became more miserable with each passing moment, I'd missed the beauty, joy and wonder that God had set aside for me. For He had done as He promised, He had not left me; but once again I had left Him and as a result I had spent a most miserable day.

When the day was over, did any of it matter? No. The things that went wrong were nothing major—I ended the day alive and kicking with all my pieces and parts intact, my loved ones survived to see today, and here I am. I've had a chance to tell the Lord how sorry I was for my attitude, and that I'd need His strength to get past all this. Somehow, I know in my heart that He will give me the strength I need. The question remains … will I be wise enough to be content?

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