Friday, May 13, 2005

Draw nigh

It’s time for a long overdue update around this place. If you’re a fan and have been waiting for my words of wisdom (rolling my eyes), my apologies.

Hook news:
Mary Maxim Contest
I’ve been busy. Since I last wrote, I was able to get my latest small square design to work beyond what I expected and have filed papers with Mary Maxim to enter it into their latest afghan contest. I know I’ll be competing against some of the best designers, but the thrill is as much in the competition as it is in winning. I want to take one moment here to wish my friend, Rich W., the very best. If anyone beats me, I hope it’s you, Rich!!!!!!

This particular design was inspired by … oh wait, I can’t tell you that … yet. *giggles* I can say that my thanks go out to 3 fellas I know at a once visited board. They helped me find the pictures I needed to use as I worked. To see where I'm at in completing my afghan, see the update box to the right.

The Coffee Design
I’ve completed all but one square for my design in the rich coffee yarn. I am eager to complete the project, but need to finish my contest entry first.

The Unfinished Design
The square that wouldn’t work still doesn’t—but I honestly haven’t spent any time trying to fix it.

Crook news:
So much has happened in the past month, I don’t know where to begin or what to share.

My online life has taken a major turn. I’ve left a board that I was a member of from its founding. It was a difficult decision, but one that has been coming for a while. When you are known to people both online and in real life, and yet they openly state that they have no faith in you—then it’s time to cut the ties and move forward. There is something wonderful about letting go of things and people that only cause stress. Life becomes a much happier time.

Then there was the fire. Just a small one, but if we hadn’t been here we wouldn’t have a house! Fortunately we were sitting just a few feet away when the fan in the hallway burst into flames. No damage, and there was a breeze, so the odor dissipated quickly. Oddly, the smoke alarm didn’t go off. The batteries are fresh. Go figure. Made me feel so secure.

Mr. Retired smothered the flames and took the fan out. We’ve now replaced the fan and the batteries.

We're rockin' and rollin' in Northern California!
I would be remiss if I didn’t share here about the earthquake back on May 8th.

The first one was near us. Info from the USGS site:
1:43:55 AM: Magnitude was 4.1. Epicenter was 11 miles west of the center town (so approx. 8 miles from us). Depth was 6 miles.

This quake woke us up out of a sound sleep. We felt the bedroom shaking as though a herd of elephants was running through. The windows were rattling as though someone was banging on them. When I finally got past the total panic state, I turned on the light on my nightstand and the picture on the opposite wall from the bed was askew! EEK! Abby Darlin' was sitting on the window ledge and was in a total panic with her fur fluffed. It was hard to go back to sleep—but we did. hehehe

Had a micro earthquake (aftershock?) at 7:47AM, (mag. 2.2, depth was 7.1 below ground, 10 miles from town). Didn't feel this one.

Apparently there was a quake in this area the morning of May 4th as well. It was deeper, and a few more miles away. Never noticed that one either.

Same basic area had another, smaller quake around 3:30 this afternoon.

I can't wait to move out of this area and reach the coastal area of Oregon where we will only have to worry about Tsunami's and North Korean missiles.

I’ve been reading the Book of James. A friend and I are doing a short study of it together. I was particularly struck anew by this verse:

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. – James 4:8

Oftentimes I fail to stay close to God, and yet I want Him to always be there for me. I’m making a commitment in my heart to stay closer to Him, I hope you’ll do the same.

Have a safe and happy weekend.

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