Sunday, July 24, 2005

What does it accomplish?

Hook news:
Baby ghan:
Yesterday I hit the “square” point on my baby ghan. I think I’ll add another 4 inches before I create an edging. I probably won’t complete this before I head out on vacation.

I also penciled out a design for a baby ghan. I hope it looks as interesting in yarn as it does in my head.

Crook News:
Vengeance is mine?
Today was one of those days where I accomplished a lot, and accomplished a little. At least that’s how I feel.

I had coffee and toast and watched Lance Armstrong win his 7th “Tour de France”, kissed Mr. Retired farewell as he headed out for the day and then I tackled my craft room. Good grief. I found more than 2-dozen bottles of craft paint. Someone please tell me why I had all this craft paint. I mean, I don’t paint, so why do I have all these bottles of craft paint? *shrug* Into the Goodwill box.

Then I found my old sets of rubber stamps—so old the rubber is hard. Into the Goodwill box they went. Oh look—there are my colored pencils. Originally I used them to highlight things in books. Now I have these nice highlighters. Into the Goodwill box the pencils went.

I also cleaned out some fabric I’ll never use—and once again I wondered at myself and what motivated me to buy such *ugly* material. Perhaps I was considering an UgLy quilt? hehehe

I stumbled across more songbooks. These were mine when I sang special music. I purchased my copy, and a copy for my pianist. When we left that church, she gave me back her copies, and here I am with 2 copies. I’ve offered them to several people and no one wants them. Go figure. I guess they’ll go in the Goodwill box too, and that makes me sad.

Then I found “the papers”. Finding these papers made me feel a little like I was robbing a grave—although I don't know why. I had totally forgotten that I’d put this packet together. What was in this packet of papers?
  • All my notes from day one as a church secretary—complete with all the details on Pastor R’s poor behavior, nasty comments, crude jokes, and such.
  • I had copies of handwritten notes and receipts; and copies of bulletins that were re-done at his insistence over trivial things.
  • All the details on the so-called child molestation that wasn’t, and how he jumped the gun without thinking (normal for him).
  • Notes on all the times he yelled and lost his temper.
  • Notes on things I’ve never told anyone—not even Mr. Retired.
I had offered this packet to the Deacon’s when everything went sour, but they didn’t want it; so I brought it home and set it aside in case I needed it. I honestly thought about using it when Pastor R was attacking and destroying my reputation and credibility, but that wouldn’t have been right. You don’t battle dirt with more dirt. You clean yourself off, hold your head up high and move forward. After all, Romans 12:19-21 sets the standard:
"Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." – Romans 12:19-21
So I said nothing but nice things about Pastor R when asked, and forgot about my packet. I sat down this afternoon and shredded all those papers, and with it my sad, angry, unhappy memories dissipated—leaving me just the pleasant memories of better times.

So why do I feel like I accomplished so little? I don't really know. Perhaps it’s because there is still so much to do, or because I wanted to accomplish more today. Not matter what the reason, I did accomplish a great deal and my heart is happier for it.

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